Aqra fis-Sajf/ Summer Reading Campaign 2018

The National Literacy Agency of the Ministry for Education and Employment will be once again organising an intensive campaign: Aqra fis-Sajf 2018 to promote summer reading. This will be a collaborative campaign by the National Literacy Agency, Malta Libraries, the Directorates of Education and the Foundation for Educational Services.
Arrangements will be made for the extended library opening times of some regional, public and school libraries. A wide range of reading activities for children and their parents will be held in public and school libraries through the Aqra Miegħi / Read with Me, Seħer l-Istejjer / The Magic of Stories, Footballers Read and Write Programme, Klabbsajf and during Skolasajf.

Here are some guidelines for parents to promote Summer Reading:

suggested reading lists on the Aqra fis-Sajf facebook page –