Visit to Esplora – Fossil Detectives

Yesterday, year 1 students visited Esplora. They carried out a workshop called Fossil Detectives. After watching a video about dinosaurs, the students were encouraged to look out for dinosaur fossils and identify the fossil by name. The students enjoyed the session. Here are some photos of the event:

Year 1 – visit to Buskett – linking nature to the Curriculum

As part of the curriculum, year 1 students visited Buskett. The aim behind the visit was to integrate nature into the curriculum; learning takes place everywhere and observation aids remembering. Besides seeing all the trees and plants children could observe other animals which live in the countryside and in the little forest. Besides that, the visit was also beneficial in helping the little people to socialise in a different atmosphere outside the classroom.

Here are some photos of the visit:

Visit to Popeye Village

Last Friday year 1 students visited Popeye Village. This tour was linked to play, socialising and other curricular activities. Here are some photos of the event:

Visit to Aquarium – Yr 1

Today, yr 1 students visited the Malta National Aquarium. They had a guided tour and then covered two very interesting activities, one creative as they had to draw their favourite fish, and the other was related to the environment. Here are some photos of the activity:

Lotsofsocks – 21st March – World Downs Syndrome Day

Today students, staff and parents wore socks of different colours to celebrate World Syndrome Day. Here are some photos taken during assembly this morning:

Carnival @ Esplora

To view details please click on the following link:

DCM 049 – Carnival esplora event

Student of the Month – December 2016

Peace Run at Attard Primary

Today, our school welcomed the Peace Run Team. Our students met the Team in the school yard and some pupils were lucky enough to run while holding the Peace Torch. The ceremony carried on in the school hall included a welcoming song by the school choir, and a short but very informative feature about the Peace Run Team, and the founder Sri Chinmoy. Then the Team sang the Peace Run song. Later the children were invited to take part in games organised by the Team.
Here are some photos of the event: